Selecting the Right Patient
The RNS System can help bridge the treatment gap for many focal refractory epilepsy patients.
After trying two medications, additional medications have less than a 5% chance of success.1
Meaningful seizure reduction without cognitive deficits
The RNS System provides a reversible, non-destructive option that can substantially reduce seizures and inform future treatment.
After trying two medications, additional medications have less than a 5% chance of success.1
Fewer than 20% of patients are candidates for epilepsy surgery or want to have epilepsy surgery.2

Meaningful seizure reduction without cognitive deficits3
The RNS System provides a reversible, non-destructive option that can substantially reduce seizures and inform treatment.
Are you thinking of referring your patient for RNS System evaluation?

Learn more about the types of patients treated with the RNS System
To review clinical outcomes by specific lobes of the brain treated, download our full Patient Selection Guide.
1. Chen Z et al, JAMA Neurology, 2018. 2. Schiltz, NK, et al., Epilepsy Research, 2013. 3. Loring, et al., Epilepsia, 2015.