Take the next step towards
Does the following describe you? If so, the RNS® System could be right for you.*
You are still having seizures despite trying multiple medications
You want a treatment that can prevent seizures before they start
You are looking for a treatment that is less invasive than resection surgery
You are ready to take back control of your life
*Talk with an epilepsy specialist to determine if the RNS System is right for you.

Satisfied Patients
More than 90% of patients choose to have their RNS Neurostimulator replaced when their device battery is depleted.
Data on File, NeuroPace, Inc., Mountain View, CA.
RNS Community Chat
Join our free monthly webinar to learn more about the RNS System. You will hear from an epilepsy specialist and an RNS Ambassador who is benefiting from the therapy. You may ask questions or just listen. Camera on or off, all are welcome.

RNS Community Chat
Join our free monthly webinar to learn more about the RNS System. You will hear from an epilepsy specialist and an RNS Ambassador who is benefiting from the therapy. You may ask questions or just listen. Camera on or off, all are welcome
You deserve the best epilepsy care possible.
The RNS System is currently available at most Comprehensive Epilepsy Centers (CECs) throughout the United States. CECs have the expertise to provide you with complete evaluation and treatment options. Find a CEC near you that offers the RNS System.
Connect with someone who can help.
If you would like to speak to someone, our NeuroPace Patient Education Team is here to help. One of our team members can help answer your questions and connect you with real people living with the RNS System.